Đề thi thử online TN THPT Tiếng Anh 2024 -  Sở giáo dục và đào tạo Bắc Ninh (Có giải)
Đề thi thử online TN THPT Tiếng Anh 2024 - Sở giáo dục và đào tạo Bắc Ninh (Có giải)
50 câu
60 phút
Phí thi: 10,000đ
Câu 1:

Why do you think people did not visit the library in Garissa?

Câu 2:

Câu 3:

They were trained in the most prestigious hospital,______?

Câu 4:

The word "They" in paragraph 4 refers to_______.

Câu 5:

Câu 6:

The price for footwear has declined dramatically, so many people have taken advantage to buy their favourite shoes.

Câu 7:

Câu 8:

She hopes that the examinees_______ the result of the examination next week.

Câu 9:

The children were vaccinated against the major childhood_______.

Câu 10:

Taj Mahal,_______ by Shah Janhan for his wife, is thought to be one of the great architectural wonders of the world.